5 results found Sort:

🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase 💻 TypeScript 💚 ESLint 🎨 Prettier 🐶 Husky 🧹 Lint-Staged 🧪 Jest 🧪 Testing ...
Created 2023-02-08
94 commits to main branch, last one 21 days ago
React 18.3.1 start-up project with AdminLTE 3.2.0 template
Created 2020-03-17
4 commits to main branch, last one 3 months ago
Preconfigured React project with webpack build system and jest unit testing
Created 2019-10-27
58 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
Boilerplate & template for Next.js project deployable on Vercel. Firebase, shadcn/ui and Tailwind.
Created 2023-10-06
18 commits to main branch, last one 9 days ago
Professional boilerplate to develop SaaS in a weekend with a powerful and scalable stack. - React Graphql - Apollo - Clerk - Tailwind CSS, TypeScript
Created 2023-09-15
54 commits to main branch, last one 5 months ago