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Node-rules is a light weight forward chaining rule engine that can be used in JavaScript and TypeScript based projects.
Created 2013-05-17
182 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
Rule engine/process engine, committed to solving flexible and complex hard-coded problems, for complex/flexibly changing business, provide a new abstract orchestration solution that is lightweight, hi...
Created 2021-06-08
288 commits to master branch, last one 19 days ago
Create an executable project (API and Admin App) from a database or natural language prompt with 1 command, customize with declarative rules and Python in your IDE, containerize and deploy.
Created 2023-06-22
2,078 commits to main branch, last one 12 hours ago
OpenBRMS is a cloud native business rules management system with scripted rules
Created 2023-03-01
118 commits to main branch, last one 5 days ago