Statistics for topic event-sourcing
RepositoryStats tracks 579,129 Github repositories, of these 241 are tagged with the event-sourcing topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is C# (63). Other languages include: Java (33), Go (29), TypeScript (22), PHP (21), Rust (11)
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A curated list of awesome tips and tricks, resources, videos and articles in .net, software architecture, microservice and cloud-native.
Examples and Tutorials of Event Sourcing in .NET
Sekiban - an Opinionated Event Sourcing and CQRS Framework using C#. It can store data into Azure Cosmos DB or AWS Dynamo DB
Modern Reactive CQRS Architecture Microservice development framework based on DDD and EventSourcing | 基于 DDD & EventSourcing 的现代响应式 CQRS 架构微服务开发框架
A curated list of awesome tips and tricks, resources, videos and articles in .net, software architecture, microservice and cloud-native.
Ecotone shifts the focus to the business code. In order to make it happen, enables Message-Driven Architecture with DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing in PHP.
A curated list of awesome tips and tricks, resources, videos and articles in .net, software architecture, microservice and cloud-native.
Examples and Tutorials of Event Sourcing in .NET
Sekiban - an Opinionated Event Sourcing and CQRS Framework using C#. It can store data into Azure Cosmos DB or AWS Dynamo DB
Modern Reactive CQRS Architecture Microservice development framework based on DDD and EventSourcing | 基于 DDD & EventSourcing 的现代响应式 CQRS 架构微服务开发框架
A curated list of awesome tips and tricks, resources, videos and articles in .net, software architecture, microservice and cloud-native.
Ecotone shifts the focus to the business code. In order to make it happen, enables Message-Driven Architecture with DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing in PHP.
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
EventStoreDB, the event-native database. Designed for Event Sourcing, Event-Driven, and Microservices architectures
banking management web application with Spring Boot 3, Spring Security, Spring Cloud and Angular
A comprehensive codebase template for starting your real-world, fully featured SaaS web products. On the .NET platform
[Go]Minimal event sourcing/CQRS library using protocol buffers for commands, events and states.
ASP.NET Core, C#, CQRS Event Sourcing, REST API, DDD, SOLID Principles and Clean Architecture
Modern Reactive CQRS Architecture Microservice development framework based on DDD and EventSourcing | 基于 DDD & EventSourcing 的现代响应式 CQRS 架构微服务开发框架
ASP.NET domain driven design template based on the Clean Architecture project structure.
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
Emmett - a Node.js library taking your event-driven applications back to the future!
[Go] Fast and Distributed Actor framework using protocol buffers as message for Golang
An example of CQRS/Event Sourcing and GraphQL implemented in Rust.
banking management web application with Spring Boot 3, Spring Security, Spring Cloud and Angular
[Go]Minimal event sourcing/CQRS library using protocol buffers for commands, events and states.