Statistics for topic ddd
RepositoryStats tracks 584,797 Github repositories, of these 403 are tagged with the ddd topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is C# (113). Other languages include: Java (72), TypeScript (54), Go (43), PHP (41), Python (11)
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🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API, OPDS and Kobo Sync support
Toolkit for domain driven design (DDD) in Laravel. Provides artisan commands to generate domain models, DTOs, view models, value objects, and much more.
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
ASP.NET domain driven design template based on the Clean Architecture project structure.
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included
Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API, OPDS and Kobo Sync support
🎉 (RuoYi-Go) 前端基于RuoYi-Vue3,后端用Go(Go+Iris+Gorm)编写的权限管理系统,用DDD领域驱动设计(六边形架构)实现
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
ASP.NET domain driven design template based on the Clean Architecture project structure.
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API, OPDS and Kobo Sync support
Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included
🎉 (RuoYi-Go) 前端基于RuoYi-Vue3,后端用Go(Go+Iris+Gorm)编写的权限管理系统,用DDD领域驱动设计(六边形架构)实现
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
Fastify 5 application boilerplate based on clean architecture, domain-driven design, CQRS, functional programming, vertical slice architecture for building production-grade applications 🚀
ASP.NET domain driven design template based on the Clean Architecture project structure.
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various a...
An example of CQRS/Event Sourcing and GraphQL implemented in Rust.
It just provide a pair of pre & post methods around pydantic fields, the rest is up to your imagination : )