Statistics for topic ggplot2
RepositoryStats tracks 630,043 Github repositories, of these 174 are tagged with the ggplot2 topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is R (139). Other languages include: HTML (16)
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A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms
rcityviews is a user-friendly R interface for creating stylized city maps using OpenStreetMap ( data, implemented as an R package and a Shiny web application.
rcityviews is a user-friendly R interface for creating stylized city maps using OpenStreetMap ( data, implemented as an R package and a Shiny web application.
A 'ggplot2' extension that focusses on expanding the plotter's arsenal of guides, such as axes, legends and colour bars. It brings various improvements to existing guides by re-implementation, as ...
Turn your data frame into a tableau style drag and drop UI interface to build visualization in R.
plotthis is an R package that is built upon ggplot2 and other plotting packages.
A 'ggplot2' extension that focusses on expanding the plotter's arsenal of guides, such as axes, legends and colour bars. It brings various improvements to existing guides by re-implementation, as ...
rcityviews is a user-friendly R interface for creating stylized city maps using OpenStreetMap ( data, implemented as an R package and a Shiny web application.
plotthis is an R package that is built upon ggplot2 and other plotting packages.
Turn your data frame into a tableau style drag and drop UI interface to build visualization in R.
Multiplatform plotting library based on the Grammar of Graphics
Turn your data frame into a tableau style drag and drop UI interface to build visualization in R.
colorblind friendly color palettes and ggplot2 graphic system extensions for publication-quality scientific figures
A 'ggplot2' extension that focusses on expanding the plotter's arsenal of guides, such as axes, legends and colour bars. It brings various improvements to existing guides by re-implementation, as ...
This project provides deep insights into Spotify’s music trends, user behavior, and song characteristics.