6 results found Sort:

Java 1-21 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java with advanced analysis functionalities.
Created 2011-10-30
9,494 commits to master branch, last one 11 hours ago
Code samples for the book "JavaParser: Visited" https://leanpub.com/javaparservisited
Created 2017-01-13
45 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Sample project with a basic Maven + JavaParser setup
Created 2017-09-26
81 commits to master branch, last one 27 days ago
A tool to detect test smells in Java projects that utilize JUnit as the testing framework
Created 2017-06-03
201 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Using JavaParser (https://github.com/JavaParser/JavaParser), browse and navigate the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) based on the code in your editor.
Created 2020-04-12
531 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Tiny Compiler in plain Java. Covers examples for AST, JDT, ANTLR & JavaParser
Created 2021-03-17
24 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago