4 results found Sort:

Repositório do Material Estrutura de Dados em Java, contendo os principais tópicos de disciplinas sobre Estrutura de Dados. CURSO SOBRE ED: https://luisaraujo.github.io/Estrutura-de-Dados-em-Java/inde...
Created 2019-01-03
63 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
LRRNet (IEEE TPAMI 2023, Highly Cited Paper), Python 3.7, Pytorch >=1.8
Created 2022-04-04
27 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
[ICLR 2019] "ALISTA: Analytic Weights Are As Good As Learned Weights in LISTA", by Jialin Liu*, Xiaohan Chen*, Zhangyang Wang and Wotao Yin.
Created 2019-02-19
11 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
In progress compatibility list games of SAROO cartridge for Sega Saturn
Created 2023-11-18
151 commits to master branch, last one 13 hours ago