33 results found Sort:

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Created 2018-05-12
20,490 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
Created 2019-02-27
811 commits to main branch, last one 14 hours ago
Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework.
Created 2020-03-01
1,257 commits to master branch, last one 3 days ago
A node package wrapper for https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
Created 2018-10-26
1,005 commits to master branch, last one 16 hours ago
OpenAPI v3 code generator for go
Created 2021-05-29
4,214 commits to main branch, last one 17 days ago
A FastAPI based low code starter/boilerplate: SQLAlchemy 2.0 (async), Postgres, React-Admin, pytest and cypress
Created 2021-08-19
553 commits to main branch, last one 11 months ago
Ktor OpenAPI/Swagger 3 Generator
Created 2019-05-11
183 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
API Generator - instantly generate REST and GraphQL APIs (openapi (OAS) 3.0.0)
Created 2019-06-02
113 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
One SDK to rule them all, and in the codegen bind them
Created 2019-04-08
1,808 commits to main branch, last one 2 days ago
Swagger OpenAPI 3.x generator
Created 2020-05-22
249 commits to master branch, last one 11 months ago
TypeScript code generator via OpenAPI scheme.
Created 2020-12-15
187 commits to main branch, last one 6 months ago
TypeScript Backend Toolkit - Express.js - Swagger (OpenAPI 3.0) Autogenered docs, Zod - BullMQ - Nodemailer - Docker - MongoDB (Mongoose) - Socket.io
Created 2024-08-11
144 commits to main branch, last one 15 days ago
Speakeasy CLI - Enterprise developer experience for your API
Created 2022-09-29
1,245 commits to main branch, last one a day ago
A collection of Visual Studio custom tool code generators for Swagger / OpenAPI specification files
Created 2019-01-17
5,460 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector. Discover what changed between two OpenAPI specs, or a single spec over time. Supports OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger
Created 2022-11-28
197 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI document
Created 2022-10-02
18,089 commits to master branch, last one 3 months ago
dotnet CLI tool to generate type-safe F# and Fable clients from OpenAPI/Swagger or OData services
Created 2021-04-26
166 commits to master branch, last one 5 months ago
Type-driven API Documentation library. Auto-generating REST API document based on TypeScript types.
Created 2022-08-31
222 commits to main branch, last one 3 months ago
Openapi Generator for Dart/Flutter
Created 2020-03-04
247 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
OpenAPI Generator - REST Client Generator
Created 2022-02-07
673 commits to main branch, last one 2 days ago
Rust Macros to automate the addition of Paths/Schemas to Utoipa crate, simulating Reflection during the compilation phase
Created 2023-11-27
191 commits to main branch, last one 11 days ago
An opinionated OpenAPI v3 code generator for Go. Use this to generate API models and router scaffolding.
Created 2020-11-12
123 commits to master branch, last one 18 days ago
A tool to help generate Swagger specification documentation based on OAS 3.0 for Sails APIs
Created 2017-08-08
225 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
TypeAPI is an OpenAPI alternative to describe REST APIs for type-safe code generation.
Created 2023-01-29
70 commits to main branch, last one 18 days ago
🐝 API tool to generation api like Swagger/springdoc, without modify any code and run application
Created 2022-07-02
97 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Creates (immutable) PHP model classes from JSON-Schema files including all validation rules as PHP code
Created 2018-04-19
424 commits to master branch, last one 8 days ago
Generate SDKs and docs for your API
Created 2023-10-03
100 commits to main branch, last one 2 days ago
This is a Maven plugin designed to help developers automatizing the creation of code classes from YML files based on AsyncApi and OpenAPI.
Created 2022-05-20
196 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
Serverless plugin to export your config as OpenAPI v3 Documentation and Postman Collection V2
Created 2022-05-23
437 commits to main branch, last one 3 days ago
Open API (OAS 3.0) Typescript generator
Created 2021-03-22
120 commits to main branch, last one 19 days ago