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LSTM-RNN Tutorial with LSTM and RNN Tutorial with Demo with Demo Projects such as Stock/Bitcoin Time Series Prediction, Sentiment Analysis, Music Generation using Keras-Tensorflow
Created 2018-02-18
24 commits to master branch, last one 4 months ago
Algorithmic Financial Trading with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Time Series to Image Conversion Approach: A novel algorithmic trading model CNN-TA using a 2-D convolutional neural network based...
This repository has been archived (exclude archived)
Created 2019-09-23
8 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
Price Prediction Case Study predicting the Bitcoin price and the Google stock price using Deep Learning, RNN with LSTM layers with TensorFlow and Keras in Python. (Includes: Data, Case Study Paper, Co...
Created 2021-03-23
146 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago