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An Android planner calendar app and a habit tracker that aims to simplify scheduling consistent activities and tracking your progress.
Created 2023-02-20
118 commits to develop branch, last one 3 days ago
Goroutine analogue for Node.js, spreads I/O-bound routine calls to utilize thread pool (worker_threads) using balancer with event loop utilization. 🌱
Created 2021-10-23
36 commits to main branch, last one 5 months ago
Simple mimic of async/await for those come from C# world, now you can Cancel(), Wait() on a go routine.
Created 2020-03-03
103 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
자가진단 매크로 앱: (유물) 교육청 코로나19 자가진단 자동화 프로그램 (eduro hcs, 안드로이드 전용)
Created 2020-08-21
415 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago