Statistics for topic sms
RepositoryStats tracks 579,129 Github repositories, of these 226 are tagged with the sms topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is Python (61). Other languages include: Java (34), JavaScript (22), PHP (22), TypeScript (19), Go (13), Kotlin (13)
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Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是...
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
An SMS-forwarding Robot Running on Your Android Device.
This tool gives information about the phone number that you entered. is an opensource and free sms-gatway for sending SMS messages through API or dashboard web interface.
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
The SMS Gateway for Android™ app enables sending and receiving SMS messages through an API that can be accessed directly on the device or via a cloud server when direct device access is not possible.
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是...
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
An SMS-forwarding Robot Running on Your Android Device.
This tool gives information about the phone number that you entered. is an opensource and free sms-gatway for sending SMS messages through API or dashboard web interface.
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
The SMS Gateway for Android™ app enables sending and receiving SMS messages through an API that can be accessed directly on the device or via a cloud server when direct device access is not possible.
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是...
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
This tool gives information about the phone number that you entered.
The SMS Gateway for Android™ app enables sending and receiving SMS messages through an API that can be accessed directly on the device or via a cloud server when direct device access is not possible.
It provides advanced features not typically found in other SMS forwarding platforms. Offering advanced functionality and encryption, it enables SMS forwarding through email, telegram, phone numbers, w... is an opensource and free sms-gatway for sending SMS messages through API or dashboard web interface.
Th3-Bomber is an online tool which can help you to prank your friends. By using this tool you can send huge amount of sms , call and email to your friends.
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是...
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
专注批量推送的小而美的工具,目前支持:模板消息-公众号、模板消息-小程序、微信客服消息、微信企业号/企业微信消息、阿里云短信、阿里大于模板短信 、腾讯云短信、云片网短信、E-Mail、HTTP请求、钉钉、华为云短信、百度云短信、又拍云短信、七牛云短信
The SMS Gateway for Android™ app enables sending and receiving SMS messages through an API that can be accessed directly on the device or via a cloud server when direct device access is not possible.
Android SMS app ~ Featuring E2EE, Cloud Forwarding, RMQ integrations
AppleScript to send messages to multiple recipients using Messages/SMS on macOS is an opensource and free sms-gatway for sending SMS messages through API or dashboard web interface.
open-source application that can copy OTP and codes from notifications automatically for you