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Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in.
1,390 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Magisk Delta and Google Play Store (OpenGApps/ MindTheGapps
72 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
A robust subsystem designed for registering and facilitating communication between unconnected gameplay objects. This system allows you to send and receive messages containing specific data through de...
43 commits to master branch, last one 7 days ago
Cryline project - It's a simple test ransomware for Windows OS without stable encryption. Pls use this source code for study purposes only. The author is't responsible for your actions.
32 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago