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Case Study - Sample Book Delivery App (Spring Boot, Spring Security , Mysql, JUnit, Integration Test, Docker, Test Container, AOP, CI/CD, Prometheus, Grafana, Github Actions)
Created 2023-09-09
286 commits to main branch, last one 11 months ago
Case Study : Parking Lot (Spring Boot, Java 17, Maven, JPA, Spring Security (JWT) Actuator, MySql, JUnit, Integration Test, Docker, Test Container, AOP, CI/CD, Prometheus, Grafana, Github Actions, Liq...
Created 2024-01-20
369 commits to main branch, last one 4 months ago
Spring Boot Microservices with JWT (Eureka Server, API Gateway, Auth Service, User Service and Product Service, JUnit and Integration Tests, Docker, Github Actions)
Created 2024-07-14
67 commits to main branch, last one 2 months ago