24 results found Sort:

CheckStyle plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA
Created 2011-09-06
1,162 commits to main branch, last one 13 days ago
Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs
Created 2020-06-29
1,181 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
[Android Architecture] Android starter based on MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Android template project.
Created 2016-08-04
143 commits to develop branch, last one 6 years ago
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin
Created 2017-07-31
150 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Gradle plugin that generates Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint & Ktlint Tasks for every subproject.
Created 2015-12-24
326 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
The missing checkstyle for twig!
Created 2015-10-22
467 commits to main branch, last one 3 months ago
Jenkins Warnings Plugin - Next Generation
Created 2018-10-12
9,296 commits to main branch, last one a day ago
Incremental scan,integrate Lint、KtLint、UnitTest、Checkstyle、Findbugs、Pmd, powerful and easy to use
Created 2018-02-28
200 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Quality Police for Java projects: aggregator of Checkstyle and PMD
Created 2013-04-21
2,016 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
cs2pr - Annotate a GitHub Pull Request based on a Checkstyle XML-report within your GitHub Action
Created 2020-01-19
137 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
PHPCheckstyle is an open-source tool that helps PHP programmers adhere to certain coding conventions.
Created 2014-08-19
374 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Java library for parsing report files from static code analysis.
Created 2016-02-18
768 commits to master branch, last one 26 days ago
Gradle quality plugin for Java and Groovy
Created 2015-11-19
633 commits to master branch, last one 16 days ago
The project aims to present how to connect Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 Swing GUI widget toolkit. All application dependencies are provided by Docker Compose. There are also static code analysis tools li...
Created 2016-02-15
117 commits to master branch, last one 7 months ago
A Gradle plugin that helps facilitate GitHub PR checking and automatic commenting of violations.
Created 2015-10-29
456 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Haxe Checkstyle
Created 2015-03-05
1,486 commits to dev branch, last one about a month ago
Vim's quickfix errorformat implementation in Go
Created 2016-10-16
318 commits to master branch, last one 3 months ago
A collection of Eclipse plugins for M2Eclipse that carry configuration from the Checkstyle, FindBugs and PMD Maven plugins to their corresponding Eclipse plugins.
Created 2010-11-21
696 commits to develop branch, last one a day ago
A library to read static analysis reports into a Java object model
Created 2014-09-29
5,840 commits to main branch, last one 4 days ago
Incremental code analysis tools based on checkstyle, pmd and jacoco
Created 2019-02-10
59 commits to master branch, last one 4 months ago
A collection of custom Arcanist linters
Created 2016-04-21
135 commits to master branch, last one 10 months ago
Run Java checkstyle with reviewdog in github actions
Created 2020-04-14
41 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Database Engine that supports Creating tables, Inserting, Deleting, Updating tuples, Selecting from table, and Creating Index
Created 2023-03-19
386 commits to main branch, last one 7 months ago