14 results found Sort:

:tea: All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples. And some Game Programming Patterns written in Unity C#. | 各种设计模式的Unity3D C#版本实现
Created 2016-10-11
230 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
:briefcase: Manage application specific business logic.
Created 2013-06-26
1,784 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
This repository contains the most common algorithms and data structures written in the Kotlin language with simple and concise code.
Created 2021-10-17
254 commits to develop branch, last one 10 months ago
Declarative framework for interactive CLI applications
Created 2020-08-18
1,124 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
UndoPro is a command-based undo system integrated into Unity's default system. This allows devs to use actions for their undo/redo operations without forcing the user into a new undo-workflow!
This repository has been archived (exclude archived)
Created 2016-07-13
22 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
An implementation of the command pattern for Ruby with ActiveModel::Validations inspired by the interactor gem. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, and validations, and thread safe performance met...
Created 2019-03-23
291 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
This project provides encapsulation of things like Domain, Application Rules, Business Rules or Business Logic in Application.
Created 2021-07-25
220 commits to main branch, last one 5 months ago
📝 A Simple Note and Task App built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Material Design Components, Notificatio...
Created 2021-03-19
54 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago