4 results found Sort:

State-of-the-art Framework 🏗 for Cloud Computing ⛅️ Simulation: a modern, full-featured, easier-to-use, highly extensible 🧩, faster 🚀 and more accurate ☕️ Java 17+ tool for cloud computing research...
Created 2015-03-18
3,224 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
PureEdgeSim: A simulation framework for performance evaluation of cloud, fog, and pure edge computing environments.
Created 2018-12-28
319 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
[TMC'20] Deep Learning based Scheduler for Stochastic Fog-Cloud computing environments
Created 2019-06-11
108 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
CloudSimSDN is an SDN extension of CloudSim project to simulate Networking, SDN and SFC features in the context of edge and cloud data centers.
Created 2015-04-12
39 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago