5 results found Sort:

deftERP - Jakarta EE Web Profile (Java EE 7 : JSF, JPA, EJB, CDI, Bean Validation)
Created 2015-11-26
156 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
PrimeFaces Extensions
Created 2013-01-02
3,830 commits to master branch, last one 4 days ago
PrimeFaces Cookbook - recipes to leading JSF component suite
Created 2012-05-07
251 commits to second-edition branch, last one 9 years ago
A lightweight and responsive JSF framework that combines the advantages from Bootstrap, jQuery and HTML 5 to develop fast, easy and modern web applications using JSF 2.
Created 2015-10-01
2,543 commits to development branch, last one 2 years ago