Statistics for topic leaflet
RepositoryStats tracks 584,796 Github repositories, of these 181 are tagged with the leaflet topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is JavaScript (99). Other languages include: TypeScript (25), HTML (14), Python (11)
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🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
A geocoding/address-lookup library supporting various api providers.
🍂🗺️ The most powerful leaflet plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers
A geocoding/address-lookup library supporting various api providers.
:flags: :rocket: wind-layer | a openlayers && maptalks && amap && bmap && leaflet && mapbox-gl && maplibre-gl extension like for weather visualization
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
🍂🗺️ The most powerful leaflet plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers
Explore the Mandelbrot set fractal in your browser. Built with Rust, Wasm, and TypeScript.
React-leaflet-cluster is a plugin for react-leaflet. A wrapper component of Leaflet.markercluster.
A library for drawing on maps that supports Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Maps, OpenLayers and Leaflet out the box
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
A library for drawing on maps that supports Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Maps, OpenLayers and Leaflet out the box
Map Picker is a Filament custom field designed to simplify the process of choosing a location on a map and obtaining its geo-coordinates.
MSN PRODUCTION is a company that provides services for creating websites, mobile applications, branding & creative content, as well as internet marketing & advertising according to your business needs...
LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map control to your Blazor application - version. #12 issue, StreamLegend customization
Explore the Mandelbrot set fractal in your browser. Built with Rust, Wasm, and TypeScript.
A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
Single-step data classification, symbology and legend creation for GeoJSON data powered thematic maps
LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map control to your Blazor application - version. #12 issue, StreamLegend customization
Explore the Mandelbrot set fractal in your browser. Built with Rust, Wasm, and TypeScript.