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Jcseg is a light weight NLP framework developed with Java. Provide CJK and English segmentation based on MMSEG algorithm, With also keywords extraction, key sentence extraction, summary extraction imp...
Created 2014-03-31
680 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
专注于解决自然语言处理领域的几个核心问题:词法分析,句法分析,语义分析,语种检测,信息抽取,文本聚类和文本分类. 为相关领域的研发人员提供完整的通用设计与参考实现. 涵盖了多种自然语言处理算法,适配了多个自然语言处理框架. 兼容Lucene/Solr/ElasticSearch插件.
Created 2019-07-19
312 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
replicAnt - generating annotated images of animals in complex environments with Unreal Engine
Created 2021-08-03
473 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago