9 results found Sort:

STM32 core support for Arduino
Created 2017-05-10
3,349 commits to main branch, last one 4 days ago
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discov...
Created 2019-04-19
62 commits to master branch, last one 2 days ago
AI Model Zoo for STM32 devices
Created 2023-01-10
45 commits to main branch, last one 12 days ago
X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 (Azure RTOS Software Expansion for STM32Cube) provides a full integration of Microsoft Azure RTOS in the STM32Cube environment for the STM32H7 series of microcontrollers.
Created 2020-12-16
18 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
Standard NuttX with current PX4 patches
Created 2015-07-22
46,242 commits to px4_firmware_nuttx-10.3.0+ branch, last one 15 days ago
Provides the STM32Cube MCU Component "hal_driver" of the STM32H7 series.
Created 2020-01-29
75 commits to master branch, last one 2 days ago
Inter-CPU asynchronous communication between Cortex-M7 and Cortex-M4 cores on STM32H7 dual core devices
Created 2020-04-15
25 commits to main branch, last one 11 months ago
All CMSIS and HAL code for the STM32 microcontrollers bundled together in one repository.
Created 2019-02-21
13 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
Nvidia TAO (Train, Adapt, Optimize) with STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud
Created 2023-06-27
4 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago