Trending repositories for topic cpp
Curated list of project-based tutorials
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, incl...
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
This is repo to create some pull requests and completing hacktoberfest 2024 easily. All request will be accepted. Genuine Pull Request will promoted also. #hacktobefest #hacktobefest2024 #hacktobefest...
Templated C++/CUDA implementation of Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI)
持续维护的面试刷题插件,帮你光明正大地摸鱼刷题,拿到满意 offer!⭐️ 2024年最新Java面试题、前端面试题、C++面试题、Go面试题、Python面试题、测试面试题、运维面试题、后端面试题、操作系统面试题、计算机网络面试题、Redis面试题、MySQL数据库面试题、算法面试题、Spring面试题、JVM面试题、Java并发面试题、Linux面试题等几千道高频程序员求职必备八股文。💎
🔥 Insanely fast native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with a statically compiled binding layer to JSI
A Simple😉 beginner friendly😊 Repo for all programmers and coders. All contributors are requested to star🌟this repo and and folllllow me. Contribute to start your journey with hacktoberfest. Happy ...
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
Rust+C WASM compilation under the same binary for the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target
Using the Chinese version of ChatGPT -- "ChatGLM" on Espressif's ESP32 platform by Arduino!
A C++ based, lightweight music and noise remover for YouTube and other internet media, using DeepFilterNet for audio enhancement.
A collection of materials and code I have worked on in university
Curated list of project-based tutorials
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, incl...
This is repo to create some pull requests and completing hacktoberfest 2024 easily. All request will be accepted. Genuine Pull Request will promoted also. #hacktobefest #hacktobefest2024 #hacktobefest...
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
A C++ based, lightweight music and noise remover for YouTube and other internet media, using DeepFilterNet for audio enhancement.
Templated C++/CUDA implementation of Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI)
Rust+C WASM compilation under the same binary for the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target
持续维护的面试刷题插件,帮你光明正大地摸鱼刷题,拿到满意 offer!⭐️ 2024年最新Java面试题、前端面试题、C++面试题、Go面试题、Python面试题、测试面试题、运维面试题、后端面试题、操作系统面试题、计算机网络面试题、Redis面试题、MySQL数据库面试题、算法面试题、Spring面试题、JVM面试题、Java并发面试题、Linux面试题等几千道高频程序员求职必备八股文。💎
🔥 Insanely fast native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with a statically compiled binding layer to JSI
Symbolic Continuous-Time Gaussian Belief Propagation Framework with Ceres Interoperability
A few classes for parsing and serializing objects from/into JSON, in C++ - very rapidly.
A collection of materials and code I have worked on in university
A Simple😉 beginner friendly😊 Repo for all programmers and coders. All contributors are requested to star🌟this repo and and folllllow me. Contribute to start your journey with hacktoberfest. Happy ...
Curated list of project-based tutorials
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
Native WebRTC uses v4l2 hardware h264 and software openh264 encoder for live streaming on Raspberry Pi.
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
🔥 Insanely fast native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with a statically compiled binding layer to JSI
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:
⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡
Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
Native WebRTC uses v4l2 hardware h264 and software openh264 encoder for live streaming on Raspberry Pi.
An easy-to-use and fast library for task-based parallelism, utilizing coroutines.
The C++ Implementation of XFeat (Accelerated Features).
🔥 Insanely fast native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with a statically compiled binding layer to JSI
Templated C++/CUDA implementation of Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI)
A transpiler for GdScript (targeting C# and c++) written in Python
Symbolic Continuous-Time Gaussian Belief Propagation Framework with Ceres Interoperability
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
UAV Motion-Planning Path-Planning A*, Kinodynamic A*, RRT, RRT*, SE(3)Planning, Minimum-Snap
Maybe the world's fastest logging library, originating from the client of the top mobile game Honor of Kings, is lightweight, works on PC, mobile, and servers, supports C#, Java, and C++, and is well ...
"Zero-Knowledge" Proof Implementation with HMAC Communication in C++
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
Cross-platform frameless window framework for Qt. Support Windows, macOS, Linux.
ClangQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on C/C++ Code instead of database files using the GitQL SDK
🔥 Insanely fast native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with a statically compiled binding layer to JSI
Free and open-source external cheat for CS2, written in C++, working on Windows
Efficient and parallel algorithms for point cloud registration [C++, Python]
Reflective x64 PE/DLL Loader implemented using Dynamic Indirect Syscalls
Translates the inputs from the Dualsense into XInput making it compatible with any PC Game
Curated list of project-based tutorials
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
Modern C++ Programming Course (C++03/11/14/17/20/23/26)
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, incl...
⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡
Reflective x64 PE/DLL Loader implemented using Dynamic Indirect Syscalls
TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC. In addition, TEN Agent also has vision and RAG capabilities.
Native WebRTC uses v4l2 hardware h264 and software openh264 encoder for live streaming on Raspberry Pi.
A C++20 header-only library that supports powerful reflection for C++
TensorRT implementation of Depth-Anything V1, V2
C++ game engine project, for learning, practice and experiment.
open-source game hack/base/template for Counter-Strike 2 (somewhat of low-quality maybe as I don't care)
Code exercises for the SLAM course in 'Computer Vision, LiDAR processing, and Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving' lecture series
Explore diverse LeetCode solutions in Python, C++, JavaScript, SQL, and TypeScript. Ideal for interview prep, learning, and code practice in multiple programming languages.