5 results found Sort:

☕🎯 Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in a Java project using SpringBoot
This repository has been archived (exclude archived)
Created 2019-01-29
23 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Wizard for the Bounded-Context-Canvas
Created 2020-05-11
787 commits to main branch, last one 23 days ago
ASP.NET domain driven design template based on the Clean Architecture project structure.
Created 2024-05-26
129 commits to main branch, last one 13 days ago
The game is implemented as an example of scalable and high load architecture combined with modern software development practices
Created 2021-03-08
100 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A Laravel Package for using Artisan commands in Domain Contexts
Created 2022-03-06
23 commits to 2.x branch, last one 2 years ago