Statistics for language Janet

RepositoryStats tracks 565,607 Github repositories, of these 15 are reported to use a primary language of Janet.

Most starred repositories for language Janet (view more)

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Created 2020-10-19
420 commits to master branch, last one 7 days ago
a playground for making 3D art with lisp and math
Created 2022-07-30
798 commits to master branch, last one 12 hours ago
Various Janet utility modules - the official "Contrib" library.
Created 2020-04-29
619 commits to master branch, last one 21 hours ago
A collection of specifications and grammars for Neorg's file format, `norg`.
Created 2022-09-05
233 commits to main branch, last one 2 months ago
Shorthand shell like functions for janet.
Created 2019-12-31
35 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A program specification language with a formal syntax and ad-hoc semantics.
Created 2018-08-07
525 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago

Trending repositories for language Janet (view more)