9 results found Sort:

GridCal, a cross-platform power systems software written in Python with user interface, used in academia and industry.
Created 2016-01-13
5,983 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
Advanced Java BigDecimal math functions (pow, sqrt, log, sin, ...) using arbitrary precision.
Created 2016-05-13
640 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
High-performance and differentiation-enabled nonlinear solvers (Newton methods), bracketed rootfinding (bisection, Falsi), with sparsity and Newton-Krylov support.
Created 2020-08-30
1,312 commits to master branch, last one 22 hours ago
Advanced Simulation kit based on Finite Element Method (AsFem)
Created 2018-07-28
646 commits to main branch, last one 8 months ago
Fast and simple nonlinear solvers for the SciML common interface. Newton, Broyden, Bisection, Falsi, and more rootfinders on a standard interface.
Created 2022-11-23
490 commits to main branch, last one a day ago
This Repository contains Solutions to the Quizes & Lab Assignments of the Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization offered by Imperial College of London on Coursera taught by David Dye, Samuel ...
Created 2022-08-08
167 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
A powerful 3-phase load flow solver, by Roseau Technologies
Created 2022-07-25
704 commits to develop branch, last one 8 days ago
Autodiff is a numerical library for the Go programming language that supports automatic differentiation. It implements routines for linear algebra (vector/matrix operations), numerical optimization an...
Created 2016-04-18
754 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Nonlinear Equation Solver with Modern Fortran
Created 2021-11-12
72 commits to master branch, last one 6 months ago