4 results found Sort:

Nextflow pipeline for analysis of direct RNA Nanopore reads
Created 2019-10-10
308 commits to v3.0 branch, last one 15 days ago
RawHash can accurately and efficiently map raw nanopore signals to reference genomes of varying sizes (e.g., from viral to a human genomes) in real-time without basecalling. Described by Firtina et al...
Created 2023-01-20
43 commits to main branch, last one 17 days ago
Single cell Nanopore sequencing data for Genotype and Phenotype
Created 2022-09-13
34 commits to v1.1 branch, last one 22 days ago
A pipeline for high-quality bacterial genome construction using ONT sequencing
Created 2021-01-15
53 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago