4 results found Sort:

[CVPR 2022] "MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion": 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction from a single image
Created 2021-11-26
64 commits to master branch, last one 5 months ago
3D Human Pose Visualizer for Python
Created 2021-10-18
30 commits to main branch, last one 11 months ago
visualization点云可视化(open3D, mayavi, rviz(ros), PCL等)
Created 2019-09-15
87 commits to master branch, last one 9 months ago
Python implementation of the paper "Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds" by Meyer et. al. VisMath 2002
Created 2019-05-07
72 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago