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This is the pytorch implementation of Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) - Experiment on all fetch robotic environments.
Created 2019-01-23
25 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Implementation of the paper "Overcoming Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations" Nair et al. over the HER baselines from OpenAI
Created 2018-06-11
54 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Implementation of the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and Hindsight Experience Replay.
Created 2020-02-07
59 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Robot arm control using reinforcement learning algorithms : DDPG and TD3 with hindsight experience replay (HER)
Created 2023-02-16
13 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
[ICRA'23] Demonstration-Guided Reinforcement Learning with Efficient Exploration for Task Automation of Surgical Robot
Created 2023-02-18
9 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago