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Implementation of the RoboDK API in different programming languages. The RoboDK API allows simulating and programming any industrial robot (offline and online)
Created 2018-03-03
940 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
ROS2.0 Foxy and Humble repositories which provide ready-to-use ROS2.0 Gazebo + MoveIt!2 simulation packages for different Industrial and Collaborative Robots.
Created 2022-07-22
63 commits to foxy branch, last one 4 months ago
An open-source Maya plugin for controlling Industrial Robots. Written in Python 3.
Created 2018-03-11
258 commits to master branch, last one 9 months ago
Curated list of Industry 4.0 research, popular events, open-source software projects and learning resources that are worth looking into!
Created 2018-02-28
33 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
This repository provides ready-to-use ROS2 (Humble) packages to execute simple programs and sequences and control different Industrial and Collaborative Robots using ROS 2.
Created 2023-04-26
134 commits to humble branch, last one a day ago