5 results found Sort:

Universal Robot (UR5) Pick and Place Simulation in ROS-Gazebo with a USB Cam and Vacuum Grippers
Created 2018-03-13
80 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
Compliant Control: 1) admittance control algorithm 2) impedance control algorithm 3) hybrid force&position algorithm in robotic arm (Universal Robot).
Created 2021-12-04
92 commits to noetic branch, last one about a year ago
Base Mujoco Gymnasium environment for easily controlling any robot arm with operational space control. Built with dm-control PyMJCF for easy configuration.
Created 2023-09-20
10 commits to main branch, last one 11 days ago
Python IKFast library for Universal Robots
Created 2019-12-10
25 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
run universal robot in Ignition Gazebo simulator
Created 2020-12-31
32 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago